I am beyond honored to have been included in his new book, Secrets of The Best Chefs, along with some of my mentors and heroes, including Alice Waters, Charles Phan, Lidia Bastianich and Nancy Silverton. It's an even bigger honor to be hosting Adam's only Bay Area dinner event!
Last year, Adam and his photographer Lizzie came by for a little shoot on Valentine's Day, and the results are gorgeous! I am humbled to have some of my words and dishes printed alongside recipes and kitchen secrets from over 50 of the country's other beloved chefs. Published by Artisan Books--one of my favorite cookbook publishers--this book is beautiful. Congratulations, Adam!
When Adam and Lizzie came over, we made pasta and roast chicken, my two favorite things to make at home, so we'll be cooking those dishes for Tartine Afterhours, along with a dessert inspired by the book. We'll also have lots of special snacks, piles and piles of Tartine bread, and plentiful wine to pour while Adam makes his way through the dining room and kitchen to sign books and chat.
This dinner will sell out quickly, so sign up soon!
The all-inclusive ticket price includes hors d'oeuvre, three-course family style dinner with wine, gratuity, sales tax, and a signed copy of Adam's new book, Secrets of the Best Chefs. Just pay here and show up ready to party!
The Details
WHO: Tartine Bakery, Adam Roberts & Samin Nosrat
WHAT: A dinner celebrating Adam's new book, Secrets of the Best Chefs
WHERE: Tartine Bakery (600 guerrero st. sf, ca)
WHEN: Wednesday, October 17th at 8pm
WHY: To highlight the joy of good food and good company
HOW MUCH: $110 ticket price includes hors d'oeuvre, three-course family style dinner with wine, gratuity, sales tax, and a signed copy of Secrets of the Best Chefs ($110 = $50 dinner + $14 wine + $28 book + $10.18 gratuity + $7.82 sales tax)
TO RESERVE: Purchase tickets here!
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