piloncillo. of course i bought 3 kg of it.
we had pozole at la casa de toño twice. so good.
beautiful candle shop in puebla.
there are rotisseries everywhere. the street food--aaron wouldn't let me have any--was incredible looking.
i was obsessed with these huge, sad piñatas near our casita, left over from the holidays.
beans in puebla. the heirloom bean situation is out of control. of course i bought a few kilos of those, too.
it wasn't squash blossom season, but we saw a few here and there.
banana leaves for tamales.
quinceñera dress shop.
octopus at contramar.
i spent the last morning with several huge diego rivera murals.
natural dyes.
more natural dyes.
DF recommendations
Tamales at Tamales Emporio
Pozole at La Casa de Toño
La Merced Market for anything and everything--we bought old cleavers, linens, spoons, mole paste, chiles, dried beans, piloncillo, and all sorts of other stuff there and we barely made a dent.
Casa Victor and Fonart for lovely, beautiful things like ceramics, textiles and jewelry
Juice and Tortas at Jugos Canadá: Get guanabana juice and squeeze in a bunch of lime.
What terrific photos!