best. news. ever.
i just checked my email, and the last thing i ever expected was waiting for me in the inbox (yes, it's true. the cynicism has worn me down):
the first mockups of the book, sent by the designer.
oh. my. god. they. are. so. beautiful.
i cannot believe this. i can't believe it. i just can't.
and, as i showed them to my turkish friend, S (who, at the time, was singing the funniest incarnation of "baby got back" that i have ever heard), i started to realize that bv's other book is in every. book. store. in. america, and now my name will be on the front of a book that is in every. book. store. in. america.
now, these mockups are only for a few pages of the book, and i am sure that a lot of things will change from now until when the book finally comes out, but just seeing the words that i wrote on the page with those beautiful designs, as if it were a REAL BOOK was pretty much enough to make me pee in my pants.
not literally.
but almost.
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