
i think i'm turning japanese (i wish)

i had a very japanese day today. i got four beautiful craft books from giant robot and kinokinuya bookstore. i also made stops at doe (sadly, i'll be working on may 4th, so i won't be able to make to the the bird sisters' show), and ichiban kan (where i showed great restraint and spent only $6.)

my favorite craft books were about natural fibers--there were a lot of beautiful books, and i kind of got overwhelmed right away (not to mention, the cherry blossom festival was going on, and the place was absolutely swarming with people), so i decided to get only three books. i loaded up on all sorts of things, went into the corner, and started browsing.

this book is primarily about linen. there are quite a few sewing and embroidery patterns, for both clothes and other projects like potpourri sachets and potholders. it is exquisite.

this book is apparently titled "home sweets couturier 3: life with handmade things." i wonder what numbers one and two look like. i think this book is comprised of a bunch of projects by different artists/craftists from japan. my favorite is a sewing kit with an egg theme that's housed in an egg carton. there are projects that involve sewing, embroidery, felting, knitting, and crochet. the photos are incredible.

i got this book at giant robot, and it's just a book that's filled with photos of "vintage fabric from the states." i am pretty much in love with all of the colors.

i think that this book is the most delicate of all. it had patterns for sewing and felting projects, but it's definitely the most carefully styled of the books. there's a lot of felting going on in here, and i really wish i could read japanese to decipher all of the tips.

i'm going to sleep with these books under my pillow. i love them all so much!


  1. just because you wondered, the japanese (and chinese, for that matter) write "one" with a single horizontal line, and "two" with two lines. it is all very simple until four, which is like a square with dangley things.

  2. you're just super cute samin ;-)

  3. okay... i always get that fucking word scramble thing wrong... i just tried posting a comment, but it disappear-ode... now my comment has lost it's simple sweetness ;-)

    here it is for the second time, hahaha:

    you are too cute samin! too cute!

  4. My friend C sleeps with a big heavy duty flashlight under his pillow in case bad guys break in. I like the idea of sleeping with your japanese books under the pillow much more.

    i love you. let's meet in l.a. next time you take a trip down.
