
in honor of one of our cooks, who is sadly moving away to spain, we are having an offal dinner tomorrow night, and cooking all sorts of strange things you might not ever know you'd like to eat.

i'm so so so proud to be able to say that every single piece of offal in this dinner comes from a local producer. i was really daunted by the task of finding animal parts that didn't come from scary industrial places, and i thought we'd surely have to let go of any dreams of boudin noir. but i sat down, made a bazillion phone calls, begged, pleaded, and crossed my fingers, and it all worked out.

piggy parts: riverdog (hearts, livers, kidneys)
goat parts: bill niman's bolinas goats (tongues, livers, kidneys)
beef parts: marin sun farms (marrow bones, heart, tripe)
pig blood: marin sun farms
fish parts: monterey fish (ok, not exactly local, but still sustainable)
duck parts: sonoma county poultry
chicken parts: hoffman chickens

and, i am bursting inside with some super-exciting news. i can't tell you yet, but let me just say that i'm going to be reloading the nyt dining section like crazy tuesday night at 9 pm!


  1. can't wait to see what's happening at ny times!!!!

    and i can't say your dinner sounds exactly delicious given its components, but i am sure it will be wonderful and it's very cool how everything is local!

  2. delurking.

    early congrats.

    anything with those 3 letters (N.Y.T.) is huge.


  3. OHMYGOD, Samin. I cant wait to download that NY Times food section from Thailand!!!!
    I would love to see some photos from the offal dinner.
